茨城県常陸太田市出身 作曲家・作詞家・シンガーソングライター・ラジオパーソナリティ-
一青窈「ハナミズキ」をはじめ、KinKi Kids、郷ひろみ 、EXILE、香西かおりと数多くの楽曲
提供を手がけるほか、茨城放送の「MUSIC STATE」 のパーソナリティーとしても活動。
同年、10月21日には常陸太田市パルティホールにてTATSURO MASHIKO 20th Anniversary音楽フェス~空があるまち~を開催。
2024年10月6日には常陸太田市パルティホールにて 空があるまち 音楽 フェスVol.2を開催する。
2017年7月より出演しているラジオドラマ番組『NISSAN あ、安部礼司』(TOKYO FMはじめJFN38局、毎週日曜日17:00から)ではひたち野夏都役を演じる。
TVアニメ『D4DJ All Mix』やリズムゲームアプリ『D4DJ Groovy Mix』に声優として出演し、リアル音楽ライブでの歌唱パフォーマンスも行う。
LuckyFMでは、2022年10月より『今夜はLucky Night〜りほなアニソンフライデー〜』(毎週金曜日22:00から)のパーソナリティを担当。
Born on October 3, 1995. Born in Ibaraki Prefecture.
She has been active in an idol group since June 2012.
After graduating from the group, she served as the 11th MC of TBS's "Rank Kingdom" from July 2015 to March 2018.
She is currently active in a wide range of fields, including acting, talent, voice acting, and radio personality.
As an actor, she has participated in a wide range of projects from movies, 2.5D musicals, and straight plays. In the "Kemono Friends" series, she appeared as Raccoon dog in the stage version, the second TV anime season, and the game version.
She plays the role of Hitachino Natsuto in the radio drama program "NISSAN Ah, Abe Reiji" (TOKYO FM and 38 other JFN stations, every Sunday from 17:00), in which she has appeared since July 2017.
From July 2019, she will participate in the media mix project "D4DJ", playing the role of Aoyagi Tsubaki, the main vocalist of the unit "Rondo".
She will also appear as a voice actor in the TV anime "D4DJ All Mix" and the rhythm game app "D4DJ Groovy Mix", as well as singing and performing in real music live shows.
On LuckyFM, she has been the personality of "Tonight is Lucky Night - Rihona Anison Friday" (every Friday from 22:00) since October 2022.
Also, from October 2017, "Kato Rihona's Rihonyan-banwa!" (Shibuya Cross FM, every second Tuesday of the month from 19:00).
She leaves her dogs, Pon and Mugi, at her parents' home in Ibaraki Prefecture, and often returns to her parents' home when she has a chance to settle down from work.